Day 11 --
Used Books
I salivate over new books. Shiny, untouched covers. Pages that have never been folded. The scent of printing still fresh. I create altars of new books next to the bed with milagros and reading glasses, scrapbook worthy page markers, a holy glass of filtered water. My adoration knows no ends.
And one of the best gifts I received this year was a used cookbook from Thrift Books. It was like someone opened the window and a rush of fresh air entered the room.
The cover isn't shiny, there is a permanent crease in the corner and the edges are worn soft. The pages don't crack but are soft like old jeans. And I love it.
I carry it into the kitchen and set it on the counter. It doesn't stay out of the fray, relegated to the kitchen table, but gets in the action with flour and eggs. It's not afraid of the splattering that happens every time I turn on the food processor. It's like an old friend that visits when the laundry is on the living room floor. And then helps fold it.
Aside from Thrift Books being less expensive and the fact that reusing anything when possible is a terrific -- Thirftbooks uses a minimal amount of packaging for mailing.
Ideally buying used books at a local independent book store would be the green of all greens. Great choirs would rejoice. But Thrift Books is a great second choice.
1 day ago
Oh Sweetie! From someone with a shopping phobia, you are making my life so much easier. We have a great local used bookstore here in Mt. Shasta. Thank you...Love, Olivia
PS I had to look up I want one by my bedside too.
Katrina, thanks for the link! I hadn't heard of Thrift Books before. I have two wall-sized shrines to new and used books in our living room (huge bookshelves). I love looking at them. Just looking at the covers makes me remember the stories and thoughts they hold... Ah, books!
Olivia -- I love that bookstore in Shasta. I didn't know they had used books too though. Happy shopping!
Melinda - And sometimes I rearrange them just so I can hold each one for a moment and remember.
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