I've been buying heirloom tomatoes one at a time. For sandwiches. These babies are an investment but they're also a meal. For two. Of course they're sweet, juicy, local. Plucked from the vine when they're ripe and not before.
Each sandwich is independent, spontaneous. It's different depending on the contents of the fridge, what I can pick from the backyard garden pots. It's informed by the weather and the farmers' markets.
In my mind a tomato sandwich is bread, tomato, mayo and salt, although I've yet to bite into that childhood tradition this season. I've decided to keep a list of this seasons sandwiches. To see how many local ingredients I can incorporate; to see how the sandwiches change as the summer races by and fall arrives.
I hope the last sandwich with the last tomato of the season will be as memorable as the first when the juice dripped onto my clean laundered shirt and I just didn't care. I suspect it will be, if only for the longing for just one more.
Let me know what you do with your local tomato sandwiches this season. I'll add them to the list and likely try it too.
Cherokee Tomato
Acme Ciabatta
Arugula and Shiso
Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Pineapple Tomato
No Knead Bread
Freckles Lettuce
Sea Salt
Cherokee Tomato
Grace Bakery Sourdough
Minced Jalapeno
Andanto Chevre
Bariani Olive Oil
Sea Salt
Big Red Heirloom Tomato
Penngrove Sourdough
Dark Edged and Feather Leafed Lettuce
Prather Ranch Bacon
Cherokee Tomato
Grilled Ciabatta
Jersey Milk Monterey Jack
#6 From Simple Green Frugal
Homemade Yogurt Roll
Local Gouda
#7 From Simple Green Frugal
Homemade Yogurt Roll
Roasted Zucchini and Eggplant
#8 From Chocolate Crayons
Cheddar Cheese
Salt and Pepper
#9 From A Sonoma Garden
Crusty Bread Sprinkled w/Dry White Wine
Gruyere Cheese
Dijon Mustard
#10 From Chile Chews
Nice Sourdough
#11 From Live Green Wear Black
Acme Seeded Baguette
Smoked Tofu
Squeeze of Lime
Beefsteak Tomato
Brickmaiden Sourdough
Cress and Mizuna
Sea Salt
Cherokee Tomato
Wildflour Seeded Wheat Bread
Slices of Jalapeno
Olive Oil
Sea Salt
#14 From Melissa at Better Living
Local Sourdough
Olive Oil
#15 From Melissa at Better Living
Full Belly Farm Heirloom Tomato
Toasted Sumano's Sourdough
Rouge Et Noir Brie
Azoychka Yellow Tomato
Seeded Whole Wheat Sourdough
Cilantro Pesto w/Walnuts & Bulgarian Banana Chile
Sea Salt
Early Girl Tomato
Brick Maiden Sourdough Toasted w/Ghee
Bacon (Optional)
1 day ago
Yummy sandwich ideas. I currently grow Big red heirloom and Cherokee tomatoes in my garden. For the past 3 years, I've been saving my own heirloom seeds.
Tomato sammies are one of my all time favorites: Here are two of mine:
1) homemade yogurt roll; toasted with fresh, local gouda cheese, topped with basil and thick slice of tomato
2) homemade yogurt roll; toasted with fresh, local gouda cheese, topped with a thick slice of tomato, and roasted zucchini, squash and eggplant slices
Both a wonderfully delicious!
How great are heirloom tomato sandwiches? Thanks for some more ideas on what to put with them.
My favorite is a childhood memory from a sandwich my grandma made me when I was about 12. They had a huge garden, so everything was fresh.
Sourdough bread, slices of your favorite tomato, thin slice of cheddar cheese, chopped parsley sprinkles, salt and pepper.
Great idea, having a list of tomato sandwiches. One of my favorites is a slice of crusty bread sprinkled with dry white wine, dijon mustard, a slice of gyuere cheese (how do you spell that?), topped with a tomato slice and set under the broiler for a few minutes.
Pure heaven!
I planted 19 varieties of heirloom tomatoes this year - maybe we could have the blogger meet up at my house in August - I should have plenty of tomatoes by then. Check my blog in January for the list of the types I am growing... I have flowers on all plants right now and about five little green tomatoes on different plants....
Chile, with basil, I find it is always better to not put all your future basil consumption on one plant. Buy seeds and start 20 plants. Or 200, like my boyfriend has done... he realllllllllly likes pesto.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one who can't keep a basil plant alive. :)
bobbi - I'm green w/envy. I only have sun gold cherry sized tomatoes in pots. Kudos to you for saving the seeds.
heather - ...and you make the rolls. Can I just come over instead of recreating these at my house?
green bean - Stay tuned. The season is still young.
donna - Can you recreate this sandwich as deliciously as you remember it? I've tried with my Grandma's bean soup and can come close but never quite as good as I remember.
kendra - What can I say? I'm afraid to try this because I may never make a tomato sandwich any other way again.
jenn - That's a lot of tomato sandwiches and definately cause for a celebration. Let me know what kind of sandwiches you come up with as you harvest and I'll add them to the list.
chile, oh killer of all plants basil - What do you put on your bruschetta?
Hi kale,
No, I can't quite reproduce my grandma's sandwich, no matter how often I try. But Chili's making me very hungry!
Oops! I just read Chile's rant about how people can't spell her name!
kale for sale - you betcha! Come on over! I'll have the sammies ready...
Oh my. My tomatoes aren't ripe yet, but I'm drooling for the tomato sandwiches to be. Yum.
Thanks for the ingredients Ms. Chile and I'm glad we all have your spelling down now.
heather - I'm on my way!
Christina - When the tomatoes get ripe let me know your favorite sandwich combo and I'll add it to the list. I'm shooting for 108 different ones.
My post-swim lunch at the Berryessa 2 mile was:
Acme seeded baguette, spread with
1/2 avocado
smoked tofu
squeeze of lime
jennconspiracy - Two miles! Good job. I hope you had two sandwiches too.
Ha! yeah - my goggles leaked (not so much of a problem in the pool, but in the lake - it really cuts into your time if you stop every 5 minutes to empty them out) so it took me FOREVER. I wasn't even tired, really. The geese made it faster than me... but did have a second sandwich with a tofurky sausage. :)
Mmm, these sandwiches all sound fantastic. My tomatoes aren't ripe yet, so I will have to be patient. The photo of the lettuce is lovely!
berrybird - When those tomatoes get ripe though, come back so I can add your signature sandwich to the list.
OK, make it 15...in addition to my basil delight, I had this one yesterday: local sourdough (Sumano's), toasted, local brie (rouge et noir), and local heirloom tomato slices from Full Belly Farm (wouldn't really be a tomato sandwich without this, would it?) I didn't even realize it was 100% local until after I started eating. I love when that happens!
melissa - I wish I were growing my own heirloom tomatoes but the next best thing is a tomato from Full Belly Farm. I know that sandwich was good!
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