The cute guy made biscuits, invited a friend for dinner, and we tasted the jam. The table was set with our repurposed placemats - bubble wrap cut to the appropriate size, a new cube of butter and tiny jam knives with the names of airlines on the handles.
We politely passed a bowl of scrambled eggs and goat cheese, dished healthy helpings of salad. Each person took one biscuit, buttered it, put on the jam and then I noticed they were poised to eat with almost held breaths and making sideways glances at me. I picked up my biscuit and took a bite.
First you have to know that any kind of a bread with butter is like what chocolate is to most people and this was no exception. But damn, the jam was good too.
It was a little runny and the strawberries could have been sliced smaller. TCG only thought the first bite tasted like brown sugar and the rest he said he didn't notice. That was good. There was an undertone of ginger but not strong enough to identify.
We ate nearly the entire jar. And I gave our friend a jar to take home, which was the most satisfying feeling of all. Eating local and being aware of what's on my plate is all good but getting to share it - that's even better.
1 day ago
Oh. Yes.
With a faint undertone of ginger, I'm sure it was luscious.
I'm going to be thinking about that jam all day!
I am jealous on so many levels! That you have strawberries at all (they're late here). That you've already made jam. That you're already eating jam!
Glad to hear that it was good. The next round will be even better I'm sure. On to pickles?
I'm so glad the jam went over well! I can't wait for berries to hit my local farmers market, but I think it will be a while yet. Until then, I've got plenty (plennnnnty) of rhubarb compote to keep me going!
lucy - I wish I'd said luscious. It was.
tamara - I can't wait to give you some.
laura - You can't be jealous with that sprawling green garden of yours. It's worth a 100 jars of strawberry jam but in the end we both have it pretty good.
Next project is more jam but then it's on to pickled peppers. It'll be awhile before they in season.
anna - This is the first year I've bought rhubarb and I'm loving it. I made strawberry and rhubarb cobbler. Now I'm going to look up rhubarb compote. Thanks for the jam encouragement.
lucy - I wish I'd said luscious. It was.
tamara - I can't wait to give you some.
laura - You can't be jealous with that sprawling green garden of yours. It's worth a 100 jars of strawberry jam but in the end we both have it pretty good.
Next project is more jam but then it's on to pickled peppers. It'll be awhile before they're in season.
anna - This is the first year I've bought rhubarb and I'm loving it. I made strawberry and rhubarb cobbler. Now I'm going to look up rhubarb compote. Thanks for the jam encouragement.
Congratulations!! I know it was a big breakthrough for me to can for the first time this winter. We're still eating the marmalade. It's like opening a jar of Geyserville and my old garden... YUM.
melinda - I got tears when I read, it's like opening a jar of Geyserville and your old garden. Make that marmalade last so you don't forget everything that was good and beautiful about that place. And thanks for the congrats. I'm itching to make the next batch.
How awesome! I love that you sent a jar home with each friend. No matter what, I guarantee you that your homemade jam tastes better than store bought any day of the week!
green bean - I never shared grocery store food the way I do farmers' market food. It is so fun. And appreciated.
It's good to have you back.
Wow, a whole jar in one sitting, it must have been great!
I can't wait to try some.
tq - Nearly a full jar. Nearly. And they were small. And there were three of us. But yes, it was good. And we did nearly, but not quite, eat an entire small jar. You'll have to hurry to try some. There are only two jars left because I keep giving them away.
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