The Muse brought me a bouquet of iceland poppies on Sunday morning from the farmers' market. Each blossom was crimped in it's egg shaped hairy shell. The first orange blossom hatched by noon.
Three days later they are continuing in shades and combinations of pink, yellow, cream and more orange. The prickly skins drop to the table, the flowers opening like cups and bowls and maturing into flat saucers, the inner pod an Alice in Wonderful cup with sugary stamens surrounding it.
Tonight I carried them through the house, from the kitchen to the living room, to the table and back again. Wherever I was, they were too. I set them in the late light, approached them from every side. But the cute guy captured them best - all fuzzy stems and papery petals.
Iceland poppies have always been one of my favorites in the garden but I've never had an entire bunch in the house. They're such decadence I nearly need to pinch myself to be sure I'm real.
1 day ago
Your photos are always so gorgeous. My eyes like to look at the picture, I can only imagine how lovely the flowers themselves were. :)
theresa - I'm laughing after the conversation on your last post - which made me examine what I think(always a dangerous thing). And then you come over and I'm entertaining a bunch of poppies. It's all perfect somehow. Thank you.
Oh, that's a beautiful photo! I too love poppies. I'm currently missing fresh cut flowers on my table...with my young son, it's impossible. He loves to climb up on the table and throw down what ever is on top. Needless to say I keep my table as clean as I can.
Kale, yes, your poppies have perfect timing! It was just the right thing at the right time :)
Oh man-alive, I love poppies. Thanks for the pic.
kendra - You'll have to take a picture of him there in the middle of the table. Maybe find a big old vase and put him in it. I'm sure he beats the poppies any day!
theresa - Oh good. I'm glad.
christina - And they lasted a surpisingly long time. It's been six days and at least a third of them are still looking good.
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