All I want to eat is my new favorite salad.
It's a mix of Marin Roots Farm lettuces. Yesterday it was little gems and a variety with red lace edges. And I bought a head of a kind I swear is from a Beatrice Potter story book.
I add other greens I'm inspired to bring home too - wild arugula, mustard, pea shoots. I haven't tasted greens as good since the first time I tasted mesclun mix on an organic farm in Sebastopol. Fire rockets went off in my mouth and everything I thought I knew about the world in that moment disappeared.
This is lettuce I'm talking about. It's not supposed to be that good.
But back to making the salad. I toast a small pan of Jackie's walnuts thinking about the people who stole her orchard of irrigation pipes in the night. And then I burn the damn walnuts, curse and stomp and eat them anyway.
Slicing up organic strawberries from Swanton Berry Farm in Santa Cruz I top the lettuce in an oversized bowl.
Next is a third of a round of the Andante chevre crumbled over the berries. And gladly stuck to my fingers.
Adding the hot walnuts on top of the cheese is the best part. They make a noise you can hear even if you aren't quiet.
I've quit using bottled dressing and instead use Bariani's olive oil and sea salt. It's straightforward good. There's no question that a bite of strawberry, tastes like strawberry. The salt like salt, the lettuce like a pretty day.
Licking my fingers between each bite, I eat slowly, without a fork, tasting all the combinations of berry, cheese and oil, lettuce, salt and walnut.
Not wanting any of it to end.
1 day ago
mmmm. Who knew a salad could be so good and, yet, having eated many from my local farmers' market, I believe you. Sounds wonderful.
yum. This reminds me of when Belen's mom came to visit (from Spain) and she made this AMAZING was lettuce, tomatoes, olive oil, and salt. I don't know why it was so good...maybe it was because we ate it with her homemade (with saffron from Spain) paella. Wow. When is Abuela coming mouth is watering.
green bean - Sometimes food is good though because everything else is good too. I made the salad again tonight after being at work all day and it wasn't as good as the one we ate in the garden on Sunday.
emily - We should just go to Spain. The salad must have been wonderful because that was a long time ago that Belen's Mom was here.
that sounds so delicious! chevre is my favorite cheese and to combine that with strawberries...yum.
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