Tonight I off loaded three quarters of the ten pound banana squash I've had in the pantry since September.
I remember the Saturday afternoon at the Petaluma market when I bought it. "I keep them in the barn all winter," the farmer told me. "Then I sell them to the market down the street. They cut them up and sell them by the pound."
I carried my apricot colored squash off then, proud to be a step ahead of the grocery. And I kept it in the pantry for four months and had to bully my friends, they are still my friends, to take a chunk home.
"I have two squash at home you already gave me," one complained.
"They aren't cut open. They'll last. Eat them for lunch." I commanded.
"I have one too," another tried.
"One is nothing," I countered. "Here."
They were more compliant than usual though as I'd invited them for dinner. "It's local," I said at one point.
"Duh," they responded in unison.
I was effusive of the mustard greens in the salad mixed with arugula and a hand full of my back deck baby greens. The salads were plated with Pt. Reyes blue cheese, rounds of pink lady apple, roasted pecans and drizzled with honey and olive oil.
"It has layers of flavor," my cook book friend complimented on the soup with Rancho Gordo tepary beans, summer stock, peppers and tomatoes from the freezer. I couldn't have hoped for higher praise.
The soup also had layers of story though. Other people have their summer vacation adventures to show and tell - I have soup. The buying, preparing and preserving of the summer harvests. It all went through my mind.
The best part though - sharing the meal. Even if it was merely a bribe to off load more squash.
1 hour ago
Hi Katrina,
Another brilliant story and gorgeous photo. I love getting each new episode of "Kale for Sale" and wondering where it will take me. I espeically love the episodes with words in "green" "garlic from China" and "end up". No more plastic bags in this household. And when I get behind in "Kale for Sale" because I'm shoveling snow or just dreaming of real Farmer's Markets...then I love to get my coffee and wrap in my fleece blanket and read a month of back episodes...just like you and the cute guy do with a season of "Lost". Love you lots....Olivia
When it comes to squash, you have to do what you have to do.
Olivia - If you lived closer I would be at your door with a squash and a kiss.
Tammy - The best part - I had two different friends visit this weekend with winter squash for me!
Next time I'm invited for dinner I'll borrow a friend's truck!
The writeup and Tammy's comment made me laugh out loud.
Ahh, I've had similar issues with winter squash. My favorite farmer even tried to pawn one off on me last week. She offered it free as a "special thank you" to one of her best customers. No thank you! I've still got a garage and freezer full of squash!
Takeout Queen - And then you could leave the squash in the borrowed truck when you gave it back! Great plan. In fact if you know someone with a truck just have them give me a call. I'll give them squash.
Green Bean - It's bad when even the farmer is giving away the squash! Too funny. This is the first time I'm grateful I don't have a garage or I would have been even more dangerous with squash.
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