This morning on the radio we heard that Greenpeace is chasing a Japanese whaling fleet from a whale sanctuary in the antartic. The whaling fleet is planning on killing 1,000 whales for scientific purposes.
I immediately came downstairs and googled Greenpeace.
And then I signed this letter to be sent to the White House.
Another drop in the bucket but it felt good to do something.
Later in the day at the local coffee shop the cute guy and I signed a petition to give industrial raised animals more space on production farms. I shy away from wild haired people carrying multiple clip boards but my guy heads right for them. When he told me what she was up too I nearly knocked her over to get one of the clip boards.
I asked if the petition could be signed on-line but the short answer was no.
If you see anyone with a bunch of clipboards and ink pens clutched in their hand, check them out. You might be able to give your main course a little more breathing space before it ends up on your dinner plate.
(My hair is getting wilder every day.)
1 hour ago
I've been following the whaling campaign ever since I read Whale Warriors. Amazing book with great insight and imagery into the whales and the people who fight to save them (Sea Shepherd). If you are looking for yet another green book to read, I highly recommend it.
green bean - The cute guy reads the ocean books. I'll surprise him with this (he'll love it) and then he'll tell me about it. Thanks!
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