I woke up to this radio piece Monday morning. It's produced by Quest and titled Low Carbon Diet.
Much of the information I've read or heard before such as cows are at the top of the list for making large carbon footprints. So are fish however, which was surprising to me. But then I live next door to an ocean.
The four minute piece visits the Berkeley farmers' market, discusses meat CSA's and spends a considerable amount of time on the importance of not wasting food and recycling. The latter of which brought everyone into the fold; grocery shoppers, gardeners and farmer marketers alike.
The piece is like a long commercial, minus the actors, to encourage locavorism. I like that.
If you have a couple of minutes give it a listen.
4 days ago
The idea sounds nice but I'm afraid the name "Low Carbon Diet" brings me screeching to a halt, since chemically speaking that would mean eating a lot of salt and water and nothing else.
seeded - The diet in the title tripped me a little too. I get so excited every time that locavores are in the news that I blew past it though.
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