I'm not naïve and yet I also can't give up the possibility that taking action in small ways makes a difference. Although some days I do give up. I mope or buy a piece of plastic. I tell myself I don't care and I throw the plastic in the trash without a backwards glance. And then possibility, I don't know how, but possibility returns when I'm asleep and there it is waiting for me on the edge of the bed. It still surprises me.
So I've been signing petitions. The first was initiated by the Wildlife Action Center to request a ban of the fishing of bluefin tuna in and near their spawning grounds after the recent BP oil spill centered in their breeding grounds. If there are any still there, they deserve to be left alone.
Then I sent a letter to Hilary. It seems she wants to give corporate awards of excellence to Coca Cola and other bottled water companies. I agree with Food and Water Watch; What is she thinking?
The same day Food Democracy Now! sent an action alert titled, FDA cover up on genetically engineered salmon. Again I put my name to a letter asking, demanding, urging, begging, pleading for the FDA to not approve GE salmon; at least until there is transparent and independent studies done on their impact for an educated and unbiased decision.
Food and Water Watch took a different approach to their opposition of GE salmon. They drafted a letter to Barbara Boxer requesting she ask President Obama to deny approval of the 'experimental fish'. I joined them and sent a letter to her too.
And two days ago I took a stand and declared my commitment at Four Years. Go. A commitment to communicate, adopt, educate and create; a stand for a thriving, just and sustainable way of life for all. The wording reminded me of John Lennon and I wanted to hold hands with someone. Anyone. Everyone.
Maybe I am naïve and signing petitions and declaring a commitment to thin air is useless. Completely useless. But naïve or not I can't ignore the possibility, the smallest penny sized possibility that even such small actions can make a difference.
10 hours ago
What more can we do than try anything and everything. United we stand, divided we fall. Collective action is everything. So many people are yelling out to get something done. 'It' needs big decisions, big actions. Big actions that compell everyone to take a stand. Naive. No. hopeful,expectant? Yes. Without community action the steamrollers would be winning.
PS. you do know I get a thrill everytime I see a new post from you, right? :-)
I've been doing the same things but it is discouraging. I sent a letter to my senators about the Food Safety Act and was disgusted by the reply. It's frustrating, but I think if we keep at it we can change things.
Oh no, you're NOT naive. Thanks to believers like you (and me) we still have small chances every day to change the world.
Good for you. Now I'm off to write.
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
Kelly - I will have to read your comment again the next time I feel like buying plastic to throw away. Thank you. For all of it.
The Mom - Good for you. Yes, we do need to keep at it and often it's good to simply know other people are sending letters and signing petitions too. Thanks for the comment.
Sharon Lovejoy - Happy, happy writing to you.
Hope has been the foundation for any and every movement that has inspired true transformation. So, thank you so much for your moments of faith that are combined with action. Thank you for sharing your process (in such a powerful and beautiful way) with all of us... it reminds me, and stirs the embers of hope within me too!
BTW, I'm with Kelly on the feeling thrilled whenever I see a new post from you! You go, Woman!
Well, I share your naivity. I called the congressman's office this week to speak about food in schools. I sent a small donation to the Farmland trust. I'm sure it all adds up.
May you have a simple, joyful holiday season in touch with the earth.
KEEP WRITING. I miss your words when you don't.
Sharon Lovejoy Writes from Sunflower House and a Little Green Island
No, no. The naive ones are the ones who do nothing and say nothing, and yet somehow think things will change. Creating a better world really is up to each and every one of us, as individuals and together. Thank you for setting such a great example.
Tamara - You go too Woman - my mentor of faith and action.
agrigirl - If you were here I would hold you hand and turn up a John Lennon tune. Yes, thank you for your actions. I'm inspired a new.
Sharon Lovejoy - You are a treasure. Thank you for your very kind wishes and words. The best of new years to you too.
Eleanor - It's nice to know we're taking actions together. Thank you.
Thank you for being you.
Keep up the great work! Changes happens slowly over time, so every effort, however small, is very helpful!
naive or not, the day we give up all hope and stop believing that however small our actions, we CAN make a difference... that'll be the day we lose our greatest asset. even when we feel as if our actions don't matter in the slightest, we have to keep our hopes up! :)
I agree it's a total mess everything that's going on at the moment in US, the most outrageous things is that Coca Cola won the competition, damn, I use it to wash my toilet, how can anyone drink it.
You go girl! You're a model for us all.
Good for you! As long as some people care, there is still hope. But I do hear you. Sometimes I have to put my Mother Earth magazine down b/c I can't handle all the scary news (genetic modification, pesticides, etc) but even though the simple joy of saving my apple core for the chickens or picking my own rosemary as I walk up from the garden isn't changing the world, it sets me back on track. Stick with it, girl!
I just came across your blog and your last post echoed my thoughts many times after signing petition after petition. Is anyone else signing these things, feeling anything, is anyone angry or passionate enough to take even the smallest action? Knowing there are others out their trying has encouraged me to continue educating myself and taking baby steps. If there is one, there are many.
Great work, i like your post very much..
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